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Solve a variety of challenges, including floor and safety marking, color coding and industrial applications with our durable 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471. Designed to resist wear, scrapes and moisture, this long-lasting tape is available in an array of vivid colors, as well as transparent.
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Additional Information

Conforms to Irregular Surfaces, Removes Cleanly
3M™ Vinyl Tape 471 is a versatile tape that provides long-lasting floor and safety marking, sharp paint lines on complex jobs and reliable seals or repairs in a variety of industries. Designed with unique stretch properties, this tape conforms to rough, irregular, curved and convex surfaces while remaining stretched and without lifting after application. The rubber adhesive offers quick stick and excellent holding strength on many substrates.
The tape removes cleanly in one piece from most surfaces to help reduce clean-up and labor costs. Conformability, instant adhesion and clean removal all make 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471 an exceptional choice for temporary surface protection, general purpose paint masking and decorating.

Recommended Applications
  • Lane and safety marking applications
  • Temporary surface protection
  • Anodizing and electroplating
  • Fine line paint masking
  • Color coding
  • Canister and storage container sealing
  • Bundling and reinforcing
  • Decorating
Bright Colors in Difficult Applications
3M™ Vinyl Tape 471 features high abrasion resistance to excel in lane marking and coding applications. It maintains its color when exposed to abrasion, wear and many solvents. Using 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471 is a faster, more versatile and less costly option than painting, which often requires ventilation and time consuming prep and clean-up processes. Because 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471 has low leachable halogens and sulfur, it can be used in corrosion sensitive applications.

Bringing Better Ideas to the Surface through Science and Innovation
In our 3M™ Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division, we apply the science of adhesion to deliver innovative solutions that improve the design and manufacturing processes of companies around the world. In the end, our technologies help customers like you deliver competitive products to the market faster and more efficiently.


3M ID (Stock Number)

7000028850 7000028851 7000028852 7000028853 7000028854 7000028855 7000047447 7000047448 7000047449 7000047450 7000047451 7000047452 7000047453 7000047454 7000047455 7000047456 7000047457 7000047458 7000047459 7000047460 7000047461 7000047462 7000047463 7000047464 7000047465 7000047466 7000047467 7000047468 7000047469 7000047470 7000047471 7000047472 7000047473 7000047474 7000047475 7000047476 7000047477 7000047478 7000047479 7000047480 7000048380 7000048388 7000048389 7000048401 7000048402 7000048403 7000048437 7000048524 7000048710 7000048775 7000048779 7000048796 7000048929 7000098408 7000098420 7000122473 7000122474 7000122475 7000122476 7000122477 7000123283 7000124804 7000148366 7000148389 7000148390 7010290493 7010292804 7010292971 7010293244 7010295415 7010300187 7010300426 7010304498 7010312448 7010312450 7010316494 7010331559 7010331567 7010333749 7010334001 7010334520 7010334662 7010335045 7010335136 7010335138 7010335141 7010343512 7010343522 7010372679 7010373252 7010373253 7010373280 7010375082 7010375083 7010375087 7010375094 7010375095 7010375096 7010389792 7010389808 7010411196 7010536030 7100005962 7100011770 7100011828 7100012014 7100012163 7100012683 7100012985 7100013458 7100014037 7100044170 7100044330 7100044331 7100044478 7100044621 7100044623 7100044624 7100044625 7100044626 7100044627 7100044628 7100044629 7100044640 7100044641 7100044642 7100044643 7100044644 7100044645 7100044646 7100044647 7100044648 7100044649 7100044650 7100044651 7100044652 7100044653 7100044654 7100044655 7100044656 7100044933 7100049357 7100049358 7100049359 7100049360 7100049780 7100061044 7100064525 7100071659 7100071665 7100071666 7100071667 7100071758 7100076425 7100076426 7100081928 7100115589 7100132840

Consumer UPC

00021200058189 00021200064159 00021200071805 00021200071829 00021200071867 00021200071881 00021200071966 00021200071973 00021200071980 00021200072055 00021200072079 00021200072345 00021200074738 00021200074745 00021200307607 00021200307638 00021200307676 00021200307683 00021200856112 00051111923856 00051115318405 00051115318436 00051115318467 00051115318474 00051115688195 00051115688218 00051115688225 00051115688232 00051115688249 00051115688256 00051115688287 00051115688348 00051115688355 00051115688386 00051115688393 00051115688423 00051115688430 00051115688454 00051115688478 00051115688485 00051115688522 00051115688539 00051115688553 00051115688560 00051115688584 00051115688607 00051115688621 00051115688638 00051115688645 00051115688669 00051115688676 00051115688683 00051115688720 00051128993798 00051131364080 00051131364097

Legacy (Stock Number)

70000002264 70000002272 70000002280 70000002298 70000002306 70000002314 70000002322 70000002330 70000002371 70000114499 70002408030 70002408048 70002408055 70002408063 70002408253 70002409020 70002409038 70002409046 70002409053 70002409061 70002409277 70002409285 70002410036 70002410044 70002410051 70002410069 70002410275 70002410283 70002411034 70002411042 70002411059 70002411257 70002412057 70002413030 70002413048 70002413055 70002413063 70002413246 70002413253 70002414012 70002414038 70002414046 70002414053 70002414061 70002414277 70002414285 70002415050 70002416033 70002416041 70002416058 70002416249 70006003415 70006009206 70006009297 70006010147 70006010196 70006020864 70006020880 70006020914 70006020930 70006020948 70006020963 70006020989 70006020997 70006021003 70006033271 70006033313 70006033321 70006033362 70006033495 70006100518 70006206943 70006206950 70006210598 70006226883 70006228400 70006229127 70006245008 70006259561 70006303682 70006305695 70006316445 70006316601 70006316619 70006357571 70006411519 70006411527 70006411535 70006411543 70006411550 70006411568 70006411576 70006411584 70006432929 70006450152 70006659695 70006709748 70006747656 70006747672 70006747680 70006747698 70006747706 70006747714 70006747748 70006747805 70006747813 70006747847 70006747854 70006747888 70006747896 70006747912 70006747938 70006747946 70006747953 70006747987 70006747995 70006748019 70006748027 70006748043 70006748050 70006748076 70006748084 70006748092 70006748118 70006748126 70006748134 70006748159 70006748175 70006769940 70500010007 70500010015 70500010023 70500010031 70500010049 70500010056 70500010114 70500010130 70500010189 70500010197 70500010213 70500010221 70500010254 70500010262 70500010270 70500010288 70500010304 70500010320 70500010361 70500010379 70500010387 70500010429 70500010437 70500010452 70500010478 70500010486 CY998787923 RT000426416 RT000801279

Sales UPC

00021200030987 00021200030994 00021200031007 00021200031014 00021200031021 00021200031045 00021200031052 00021200031069 00021200031076 00021200031083 00021200031106 00021200031137 00021200031144 00021200031151 00021200031168 00021200031182 00021200031199 00021200031205 00021200031212 00021200031229 00021200031243 00021200031267 00021200031274 00021200031298 00021200031311 00021200031335 00021200031342 00021200031359 00021200031366 00021200031373 00021200031397 00021200031403 00021200031434 00021200031441 00021200031458 00021200037863 00021200039768 00021200039805 00021200039942 00021200043055 00021200043062 00021200043086 00021200043093 00021200043109 00021200043116 00021200043123 00021200043130 00021200043147 00021200051081 00021200051128 00021200051135 00021200051173 00021200051302 00021200058189 00021200064159 00021200064661 00021200064678 00021200064685 00021200064692 00021200064708 00021200071805 00021200071829 00021200071867 00021200071881 00021200071966 00021200071973 00021200071980 00021200072055 00021200072079 00021200072345 00021200074738 00021200074745 00021200265877 00021200265884 00021200303197 00021200307607 00021200307638 00021200307676 00021200307683 00021200380600 00021200381744 00021200402265 00021200480980 00021200484247 00021200551369 00021200551536 00021200551543 00021200611926 00021200856112 00051111079539 00051111923856 00051115233272 00051115233289 00051115233296 00051115233302 00051115233319 00051115233340 00051115259814 00051115318405 00051115318436 00051115318467 00051115318474 00051115321030 00051115688195 00051115688218 00051115688225 00051115688232 00051115688249 00051115688256 00051115688287 00051115688348 00051115688355 00051115688386 00051115688393 00051115688423 00051115688430 00051115688454 00051115688478 00051115688485 00051115688522 00051115688539 00051115688553 00051115688560 00051115688584 00051115688607 00051115688621 00051115688638 00051115688645 00051115688669 00051115688676 00051115688683 00051115688720 00051128993798 00051131364080 00051131364097 50051115233321 50051115233338

Country of Origin


ECCN Number



1 Case = 12 Roll 1 Case = 144 Roll 1 Case = 16 Roll 1 Case = 36 Roll 1 Case = 4 Roll 1 Case = 72 Roll 1 Pallet = 2,880 Roll 1 Pallet = 480 Roll 1 Pallet = 5,760 Roll 1 Pallet = 6,912 Roll 1 Pallet = 960 Roll 1 Roll = 1 Roll

Product Details

Product Details

3M™ Vinyl Tape 471 Blue PN36409, 36 yds, 48 individually wrapped Rolls Per Case Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 12 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 144 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 16 Rolls Per Case Restricted 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 36 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 36 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 4 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 8 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 8 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, Roll 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Black, 60 yds, 5.2 mil, 16 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 1 Roll Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 1 Roll Per Case Untrimmed, 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 144 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 144 Rolls Per Case Boxed 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 144 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 36 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 4 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case PN36408, Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 8 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 8 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 96 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Blue, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 96 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Brown, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 12 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Brown, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 144 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Brown, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Brown, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Brown, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 36 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Brown, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Brown, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Brown, 5.2 mil, Roll, Configurable 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Green, 36 yds, 1 Roll Per Case Untrimmed 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Green, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 12 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Green, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 12 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Green, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 144 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Green, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Green, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Green, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 36 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Green, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Green, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Green, 5.2 mil, Roll, Configurable 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Orange, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Orange, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 36 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Orange, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Orange, 5.2 mil, Roll, Configurable 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Purple, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 1 Roll Per Case Untrimmed, 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Purple, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Purple, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Purple, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Purple, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Purple, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 1 Roll Per Case Untrimmed, 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 12 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 12 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 144 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 144 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 36 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 36 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 8 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 8 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Red, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 96 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Transparent, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 12 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Transparent, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Transparent, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 36 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Transparent, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Transparent, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Transparent, 5.2 mil, Roll, Configurable 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, White, 36 yds, 1 Roll Per Case Untrimmed 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, White, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 12 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, White, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, White, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, White, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 36 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, White, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, White, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, White, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, White, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, White, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 8 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, White, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 8 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, White, 5.2 mil, Roll, Configurable 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 1 Roll Per Case Untrimmed, 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 12 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 144 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 144 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case Heat Treated, Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 24 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 36 Rolls Per Case Heat Treated, Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 36 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 48 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case Heat Treated, Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 72 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged 3M™ Vinyl Tape 471, Yellow, 36 yds, 5.2 mil, 8 Rolls Per Case Individually Wrapped Conveniently Packaged



This product, including any article that the product is composed of, does not contain at greater than 0.1% by weight a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) substance identified according to Article 59 of REACH. This declaration reflects the substances on the candidate SVHC list, effective July 2019.



This product does not exceed the maximum concentration values (MCVs) for phthalates set under EU Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS recast/RoHS 2), as amended by EU 2015/863, which applies to finished EEE after July 22, 2019 for Category 1-7, 10-11 products and after July 22, 2021 for Category 8 and 9 products. This means that each of the homogeneous materials within this product does not exceed the MCV of 0.1% (by weight) for each of the following phthalates: DEHP, BBP, DBP, and DIBP.



  • Available in a wide variety of vivid colors for diverse applications
  • Unique stretch properties enable tape to remain stretched to conform to uneven surfaces without lifting and retracting
  • One-piece, clean removal from many surfaces which helps reduce clean-up and labor costs
  • Rubber adhesive provides excellent holding strength on many surfaces
  • Good abrasion and solvent resistance for long service life